Our History

We appreciate the generations of men and women who came before us, and we honor their hard work, their vision and the legacy they left us. Over the years, we have farmed a variety of crops. Although we are now primarily growers and processors of walnuts, we continue to farm other crops around Monterey County. As more and more family members join Mullins and Sons Farms, we remain true to our farming heritage and we pass down our cherished values and traditions to the younger generations

Scott Mullins

Owner and founder of Mullins and Sons farm, learning as he goes with 5 years of farming experience. Following in the footsteps of his great grandfather with the ultimate goal to fully take over the family farm and to be organic as possible with his products.

Scott is in charge of every day to day task which includes watering, pruning, pest control, and ensuring the best feed and soil for his plants. He also does his own tilling, and produce cover crops each season with help from his family.